Frequent Access 2003 corruption that cannot be repaired


Greg of MN

We are having problems with databases becomming corrupt and the Compact and
Repair Database feature not helping at all. It seems to coincide with our
upgrade to Office 2003. Prior to then we never had an issue. These are basic
databases, one of which is less than 10MG in size. These are placed on a
shared drive. Databases that are not shared do not seem to have this issue.

Albert D. Kallal

Hum, access 2003 was at least as stable as 2002, and 2000. In fact, I found
it to be better.

I don't know which version you upgraded from. all versions of office after
office 97 switched to uni-code. That simply is a fancy term for that office
now works in different languages (it is a small world we live in now!). The
result of unit code means that your network will be stressed more then it
was before (assuming your upgrading from a pre office 2000 version).
Uni-code takes two characters for every one text character in the old

The solutions most reported in this newsgroup is to simply not allow
multiple users into the database. so, you must split your database if you
need multiple users updating the data at the same time.

this concept is explain here:

I sure after reading the above, you will realize that most of your software
is installed on each pc..and you should do the same for your applications
you create also.

And, excellent list of things to check that causes corruption can be found

'69 Camaro

Hi, Greg.
Databases that are not shared do not seem to have this issue.

The Access developer team has determined that the number one cause of
database corruption is sharing of a multiuser database file across the
network. The file should be split, with the tables and relationships in the
back end located on the server, and the forms, queries, reports, modules and
macros in the front end, with links to the tables in the back end. A copy
of the front end should be installed on each user's workstation. For more
information on splitting the database, please see the "Split the Database"
tip on the following Web page:


See for all your database needs.
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Tony Toews [MVP]

Greg of MN said:
We are having problems with databases becomming corrupt and the Compact and
Repair Database feature not helping at all. It seems to coincide with our
upgrade to Office 2003. Prior to then we never had an issue.

What version of Access did you have installed before 2003?

If A97 and you haven't split the MDBs this would make sense. A97
could tolerate sharing of objects such as forms, reports and VBA code
much better than A2000 and newer.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at


Access MDB is for cripples and retards.

I have been posting on this newsgroup for YEARS, claiming that MDB is
not reliable enough for real world use.

I would rather use paper and pencil than MDB.

Move to SQL Server and don't listen to these fat lazy retards around
They are collectively 'stuck in the 90s' and don't know how to spell
'Access Data Project'

I haven't lost a single record in almost 10 years now.. and I've
worked on hundreds, if not thousands of SQL Server databases.




The Access developer team has determined that the number one cause of
database corruption is sharing of a multiuser database file across the
network. The file should be split, with the tables and relationships
in the
back end located on the server, and the forms, queries, reports,
modules and
macros in the front end, with links to the tables in the back end. A
of the front end should be installed on each user's workstation. For
information on splitting the database, please see the "Split the
tip on the following Web page:

I am _POSITIVE_ that this is what you meant to say:

The Access developer team has determined that the number one cause of
database corruption is using MDB.

Vladimír Cvajniga

I'm having the same problem with an A2002 FE MDB.

My new project is now only ~2.5 MB but I'm experiencing database corruption

And, weird, when I try to open the MDB I get an error... and an option to
send an error report to Microsoft. So I send it to Microsoft.

Immediately after that project automatically re-opens... with the same
error. I send an error report to Microsoft again.

Immediately after that project automatically re-opens... with the same
error. I send an error report to Microsoft again.

Immediately after that project automatically re-opens... with the same
error. I send an error report to Microsoft again.

Immediately after that project automatically re-opens... with the same
error. I send an error report to Microsoft again.




Finally I have to give up and try to rescue my project from a backup copy.
What's going on?

It's some kind of a SUPER BUG in A2002. Will Microsoft release a new A2002
SP soon?


Vladimír Cvajniga

P.S. I don't share an FE MDB with anybody else.

Vladimír Cvajniga said:
I'm having the same problem with an A2002 FE MDB.

My new project is now only ~2.5 MB but I'm experiencing database

And, weird, when I try to open the MDB I get an error... and an option to
send an error report to Microsoft. So I send it to Microsoft.

Immediately after that project automatically re-opens... with the same
error. I send an error report to Microsoft again.

Immediately after that project automatically re-opens... with the same
error. I send an error report to Microsoft again.

Immediately after that project automatically re-opens... with the same
error. I send an error report to Microsoft again.

Immediately after that project automatically re-opens... with the same
error. I send an error report to Microsoft again.




Finally I have to give up and try to rescue my project from a backup copy.
What's going on?

It's some kind of a SUPER BUG in A2002. Will Microsoft release a new A2002
SP soon?


Vladimír Cvajniga

I purchased A2002 due to MS CZ hot-line. I had many problems with project
MDB corruptions in A97, so MS guys told me: It's fixed in higher releases of
MS Access. Actually, IT IS NOT FIXED! I was driven to bigger problems than I
head before! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! :-( :-( :-(


Vladimír Cvajniga

I will surely try to decompile. But I'd also like Microsoft to fix the bug!

TYVM for your respond.


David W. Fenton

I will surely try to decompile. But I'd also like Microsoft to fix
the bug!

What bug? Until you've decompiled you don't know that the problem is
in Access code. It's very likely corrupted code in your own

David W. Fenton

Well, how can code (or database) get corrupted? This is THE BUG!

I never enounter it, because I take care of my code. That is, it
never gets corrupted.

It's pretty obvious to me that you are completely hostile to Access.
You should simply stop using it.

Vladimír Cvajniga

There are TOO MANY posts either here or in various forums complaining Access
MDB corruption, either code or objects.

Pls, explain:
1) How shoud I take care of my project?
2) Why shouldn't Access take care of my project?
3) Why Access enables code or MDB corruptions?
4) Why we have rescue-services for MDB files?
5) Why some developers need rescue-services?
6) Why there are no corruptions in VB6? Really, I never experienced any
corruption on any of my VB6 projects... 7) Hmm... why Access don't handle
simple text files instead of corruption-predisposed MDB???
8) Why VSS handles text files (as far as I know)... even for Access

IMHO, MDB-corruption is a "long-term" critical (and in some cases FATAL) bug
in MS Access.



P.S. I dont't think I'm hostile :). I'm just asking questions and try to
explain my opinions... and want MS guys & girls to make better job... to
satisfy all of us for our money.

Vladimír Cvajniga

P.S. Have you noticed this thread header?
Frequent Access 2003 corruption that cannot be repaired

And finally, I was not the one who posted the first post in this thread...

Vladimír Cvajniga said:
There are TOO MANY posts either here or in various forums complaining
Access MDB corruption, either code or objects.

Pls, explain:
1) How shoud I take care of my project?
2) Why shouldn't Access take care of my project?
3) Why Access enables code or MDB corruptions?
4) Why we have rescue-services for MDB files?
5) Why some developers need rescue-services?
6) Why there are no corruptions in VB6? Really, I never experienced any
corruption on any of my VB6 projects... 7) Hmm... why Access don't handle
simple text files instead of corruption-predisposed MDB???
8) Why VSS handles text files (as far as I know)... even for Access

IMHO, MDB-corruption is a "long-term" critical (and in some cases FATAL)
bug in MS Access.



P.S. I dont't think I'm hostile :). I'm just asking questions and try to
explain my opinions... and want MS guys & girls to make better job... to
satisfy all of us for our money.


yes those guys are con artists.

they told me to upgrade to hotmail extra storage for a more reliable
service.. and it got a lot worse

I think that the US Air Force should teach that friggin PIECE OF SHIT
company a lesson.

but the bottom line is that you need to stop listening to these stupid
people in this newsgroup.

splitting is not going to fix your problem.


move to SQL Server dude; ADP is the best platform ever and anywhere


and you're not subject to all this CRAP like you do with mdb



you never encounter this, because when people have problems; they
bring it up to SQL Server!!!

MDB is for cripples and retards

STFU David Fenton


I fully agree with your passion, buddy.

Please keep up the good work..

I think that MS needs to burn in hell for not fixing these bugs; and
these dipshits in this newsgroup-- Splittign DOES NOT fix the problem.

DECOMPILING _DOES_NOT_ fix the problem.

Access Data Project _DOES_ fix the problem

There are TOO MANY posts either here or in various forums complaining Access
MDB corruption, either code or objects.

Pls, explain:
1) How shoud I take care of my project?
2) Why shouldn't Access take care of my project?
3) Why Access enables code or MDB corruptions?
4) Why we have rescue-services for MDB files?
5) Why some developers need rescue-services?
6) Why there are no corruptions in VB6? Really, I never experienced any
corruption on any of my VB6 projects... 7) Hmm... why Access don't handle
simple text files instead of corruption-predisposed MDB???
8) Why VSS handles text files (as far as I know)... even for Access

IMHO, MDB-corruption is a "long-term" critical (and in some cases FATAL) bug
in MS Access.



P.S. I dont't think I'm hostile :). I'm just asking questions and try to
explain my opinions... and want MS guys & girls to make better job... to
satisfy all of us for our money.

I never enounter it, because I take care of my code. That is, it
never gets corrupted.
It's pretty obvious to me that you are completely hostile to Access.
You should simply stop using it.

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