Fullscreen PP97



We need to launch a .pps file in full screen mode from a
web link - the same as when you click directly on the file
or right click and select "full screen". The users have
Powerpoint97 and Viewer, the file is saved as a .pps file.
The file is available to everyone via a LAN connection and
Internet Explorer 5.5.

Please provide a working example/code/link.

Thank you.

Gus Collot

1. Embed the .pps on the web page --- place in BODY...

<iframe src="myshow.pps" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100%</iframe>

Adjust width and height proportions accordingly.

2. To open in fullscreen, place in BODY...

onresize="parent.resizeTo (screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight)"

Of course, don't forget you must add a CLOSE link or button for the visitor
to be able to quit completely and BACK and FORWARD buttons if you wish to
allow return or advancement to a different site or web page ( not talking
'bout slide, this is handled internally by the .pps ) ; otherwise, you must
instruct them to close the browser using CONTROL + W, move backward with ALT
+ Left Arrow or forward with ALT + Right Arrow.

With this script you control fullscreen self opening right within the page,
rather than via a popup window generated from a link.

Keep me posted on the results....

Gus Collot


Thank you for your prompt reply.

I must clarify my request.

Launching the file outside IE activates PPViewer
in "fullscreen mode". There is no scrollbar, the user
clicks to proceed to the next item.

Using IFRAME (which we do) and changing the properties of
the IFRAME to exclude the scrollbar we haven't tried yet,
Thank you.

We were hoping for a "switch" that could be called that
produces the same "fullscreen mode" like it does when
launching the file from the desktop (outside IE).

I'll play with what you've provided, again, thank you. If
anyone knows how to invoke the fullscreen mode via a
launch switch or how to force it to load the external app
rather than in a browser?

If the IFRAME w/no scrollbar works, I will post the


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