Function to convert CUSIP code to ISIN code cusipconv()

  • Thread starter Amir Kheirollah
  • Start date

Amir Kheirollah

I have the following code (Function: cusipconv) to convert CUSIP code t
ISIN. Some people used it before and reported satisfactory results. I
my case the function turns out 0 and not ISIN code. Can someone kindl
look into the function to see what is the problem. I provide here wit
CUSIP code for 5 companies that you can use to test the function.


Many thanks.

Public Function CUSIPCONV(ByVal st As String) As Long

'Using ideas from original by Jelle-Jeroen Lamkamp 28 Apr 2008

Dim x As Integer, lTotal As Integer, stTemp As String, stNum As String

st = UCase(Trim(st))

If Len(st) <> 11 Or Mid(st, 1, 1) < "A" Or Mid(st, 1, 1) > "Z" Then Exi

stNum = ""

For x = 1 To 11
stTemp = Mid(st, x, 1)
If stTemp >= "0" And stTemp <= "9" Then
stNum = stNum & stTemp
ElseIf stTemp >= "A" And stTemp <= "Z" Then
stNum = stNum & CStr(Asc(stTemp) - 55)
Exit Function
End If
Next x

stNum = StrReverse(stNum)

lTotal = 0

For x = 1 To Len(stNum)
lTotal = lTotal + CInt(Mid(stNum, x, 1))
If x Mod 2 = 1 Then
lTotal = lTotal + CInt(Mid(stNum, x, 1))
If CInt(Mid(stNum, x, 1)) > 4 Then
lTotal = lTotal - 9
End If
End If
Next x

CUSIPCONV = (10 - (lTotal Mod 10)) Mod 10

End Functio

Ron Rosenfeld

I have the following code (Function: cusipconv) to convert CUSIP code to
ISIN. Some people used it before and reported satisfactory results. In
my case the function turns out 0 and not ISIN code. Can someone kindly
look into the function to see what is the problem. I provide here with
CUSIP code for 5 companies that you can use to test the function.


Many thanks.

If Len(st) <> 11 Or Mid(st, 1, 1) < "A" Or Mid(st, 1, 1) > "Z" Then Exit Function

Since none of your codes have 11 characters, the function will exit at this line. Even if they had 11 characters, they would all fail the next test since they all start with "0" and "0" < "A"

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