Generating a Weekly Report based on a Date Range, where 1 Column = 1 Day



Good Day,
Each week, I'd like to output a report of students, their overall
grades, and any progress notes. It would be preferable if a user
could copy & paste the outputted data into Word or Outlook, so maybe a
comma, tab, or some other delimited text file would be ideal.

The layout is as follows:

Lastnames are in col A, Firstnames are in col B, GradeAverages are in
col V, and dialy progress notes currently start in col AQ.
Assignments are inserted weekly as columns BEFORE the progress notes
columns; the progress notes columns are pushed to the right when this

The heading of each progress notes column is the date for that day (mm/
dd/yy); the heading line is row 12.

Student names begin on row 13, and there are currently 3 rows between
names. Progress notes for each student are on the same row as the
student's name.

Is there a way to do something like a parameter query in Access that
asks for the date range? When a user inputs the starting and ending
dates (or clicks them from a calendar control), a report would be
generated for all of the students for those days.

The report would only include data in columns A, B, V, and the
progress notes columns within the date range.

Thanks for any and all ideas.


Martin Fishlock

Arnold one way is to use autofilter.

Use the macro recorder to get the code requried clean it up and then use a
userform to input the parameters.

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