Getting the right version for Excel export


Chris Freeman

I'm exporting an acees Table to an Excel file. At first I used the OutPutTo
DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, stDocName, "MicrosoftExcelBiff10(*.xls)", "test
outputto.xls", True, "", 0

This works great, opens a dialog box so I can choose where to save, but when
the file opnes, its version 95/7.0. Then I have to save it as a current
version .xls

Next I use Transfersheet:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, stDocName, "" & stDocName & "", True,

This works to save it in the current Excel format, but does not allow for a
dialog box.

How do I code for a dialog box so I can do a SaveAs and use the current
Excel version format?

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