goal seek circular reference



I have no problem with circular references, set itterations, let 'er rip. I
am also good with Goal Seek. Solver, too, if things really need it. But
running a goal seek off of a branch from a circular reference is a problem,
even if the variable and result of the goal seek has no impact on the
circular reference. Example:

a 10.0000
b = .2 x C 2.5000
c = a + b 12.5000 itterations solves this circ ref
d 1
e = c - d 11.5000 can't goal seek here.

Maybe clarifying what I mean: Goal Seek cannot solve for a variable in an
if one of the inputs is comprised of a circular reference, even if that self
feed branch is already solved for.

In the case above, excel automatically provides the result for a,b, & c.

We can test c, it returns true for the value it appears to be, in this
example, 12.5. For example, IF(c=12.5,"true","false") returns true. One could
"paste special: value" and get 12.5. In other words, there is a firm value
for c.

Now say we want to use goal seek to solve for d given that we want e to
equal zero. We can see by inspection that d should equal 12.5, but goal seek
cannot solve this (Nor can solver).

Problem seems to be that it can't update the "current value" result of each
itteration. (One can see this by stepping through the goal seek itterations.

Am I the only person that needs this to work? While the example above is
simple,, the application is a multi-thousand celled workbook calculating
financial pro formas.

If anyone has a work around, a patch, or maybe a goal seek add-in that works
here, that would be great.

- Richard

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