Goal Seek precision



What I would like to do is to have Goal seek give me the closest number, to
the true answer, down to the penny. If the correct answer is 99.995859694 -
the answer should be 100.

Can I tell goal seek to stop once the input changes by less than a penny?

If the answer is to change the options-calculation-maximum iterations and
maximum change. My follow up question is what other features of Excel do
these two items control?


I did got the answer by the following code - is there a better way?

Sub monthly_income_benefit_accumulation()
goal:=Worksheets("input_info").Range("c52"), _
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Worksheets("input").Range("c13") =
Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(Worksheets("input").Range("c13"), 2)
End Sub

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