grid lines printing with blank cells




I have a Macro that inserts gridlines into rows A50: F100, It
accommodates varied lengths of lists that start always start at row
50, and sometimes extend to row 100. Usually it only goes down about
20 rows to row #70. In that case, is there a way that I can prevent
the gridlines with blank cells in rows 71-100 from printing

I would prefer it if there were some method that "automatically"
recognizes the text stops at row 70, so that it does not print the
gridlines from 71-100 if there is no text in them.

Do you know of a method to do that? I looked at the print gridlines
function in page setup, but that insets gridlines everywhere. I just
want gridlines past row 50.



Can we see your macro?

I suspect that you can use some variation of a statement like this to
determine the last row actually used on the sheet before you apply the
gridlines (borders?)

lastUsedRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

You could use the value returned to adjust the range that you use to set up
the lines.

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