GroupWise EMail



Searching the web, I have found the the following code
which automatically sends an email message from Access97
via Groupwise. The code seems to work fine. But I want
to allow the user to add to the message body before it is
sent and I am not familiar enough with VB coding to
understand how to do that. Can someone help me out? Or
can this sub only work as an auotmated routine?

Thanks, Lloyd

Sub RunDemo()
'this is a sample usage routine
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Dim strTemp As String
Dim varAttach(1) As Variant
Dim strRecTo(1, 0) As String
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim varProxies As Variant
Dim cGW As GW

varAttach(0) = "c:\"
varAttach(1) = "c:\windows\readme.txt"

strRecTo(0, 0) = "Name@domain"
strRecTo(1, 0) = "First LastName"

Set cGW = New GW
With cGW
.BodyText = "Following are issues related to the grants
.Subject = "Grants Database Issues"
.RecTo = strRecTo
.FileAttachments = varAttach
.FromText = ""
.Priority = "High"
strTemp = .CreateMessage
.ResolveRecipients strTemp
If IsArray(.NonResolved) Then MsgBox "Some unresolved
.SendMessage strTemp
.DeleteMessage strTemp, True
End With

Set cGW = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description,
Resume Exit_Here

End Sub

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