halting macro


Jonas O

Hi again,
lots of questions from here and thanks for all the good answers! Really

Another question is how to make a dialogbox where you answer a question
(yes or no answer) were a positive answer would continue to run the
reminding macro while a negative answer would halt the macro right

Is there such an code to resolve this as well?

Kind regards


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Hervé Hanuise

Hi !

put this into a new module : it works !

Option Explicit
Public titre$, defaut$, question$, reponse$
Sub continue_yes_or_no()
'here we start something
titre$ = "Info..."
question$ = "here we are..."
MsgBox question$
'now comes the question
titre$ = "Info..."
question$ = "Shall we continue" & vbCrLf & "---------
<Y>es or <N>o ?"
defaut$ = ""
reponse$ = InputBox(question$, titre$, defaut$)
If Left(UCase(reponse$), 1) = "N" Then
MsgBox "The answer is no: we stop"
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "The answer is Yes"
MsgBox "So we continue..."
'and here you go with your code....

End Sub


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