Hard Coding Double Quotes for Export



Is is possible to hard code the text qualifiers when exporting a file. I
have a query that I'm trying to use to export a file. I got tired of trying
to play with how things needed to be formatted and wanted to hard-code the
commas and double quotes. The commas work just find, but what do I need to
do to code the double quotes?? For example, I only want to put double quotes
aroung fld2. I know this seems like a long novice way to do this, but I need
to get this file in a certain format for a client and just thought it would
be easier to hardcode. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly

SELECT Format([E_SEQ_NO],0) & "," AS fld1, Format([FILENO],0) & "," AS fld2,
[SPS_INIT] & "," AS fld3, IIf([FEE]<11,"","0" & [SLOC]) & "," AS fld4,
[RESLT] & "," AS fld5, Left([SERNAME],3) & "," AS fld6, Format([FEE],"Fixed")
& "," AS fld8, IIf(IsNull([Sdate]),",",Format([SDATE],[sdate])) & "," AS
IIf([FEE]<11,"",IIf(IsNull([COMMENTS]),IIf([RELATION]="self","",[SERNAME] & "
- " & [RELATION]),[COMMENTS])) AS fld10
WHERE (((SUMMONS.FEE) Is Not Null) AND ((SUMMONS.ExportWP) Is Null));


Never mind. I took out the hard coded "," and put a '"' around the fields
that I needed a double quote on and lastly exported as comma delimited. Seem
to be the format I need.

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