Help Needed On Template Launcher

  • Thread starter OHM \( Terry Burns \)
  • Start date

OHM \( Terry Burns \)

I want to create a custom dialog which can offer a list of templates to
launch a new document based on. I hate the standard stuff word provides for
reasons already explained regarding Details versus lists. Do you know of a
code snippit that would do this. I want to display the title property of the
documents in a directory ( or file name ) and be able to double click the
item and have it launch a new doc based on the template.

I havent worked with list boxes in word yet and not sure how to manage
display text Vs values. Can you for example add objects into Listboxes ( Not
strings ) and if so how to I configure my object to return a string value
for the list to display, or am I missing something ?

Any help would be appreciated.

Many Thanks

OHM ( Terry Burns ) * Use the following to email me *

Dim ch() As Char = "ufssz/cvsotAhsfbuTpmvujpotXjui/OFU".ToCharArray()
For i As Int32 = 0 To ch.Length - 1
ch(i) = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt16(ch(i)) - 1)
Process.Start("mailto:" & New String(ch))

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See the article “How to create a Userform” at:


“Insert into a document the names of all files in a selected folder” at:

for how to populate a listbox with the name of the Files (Templates)

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

OHM \( Terry Burns \)

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, this does not address the crux of my
question which is mainly related to the list box. However, the snipit
regarding filenames is useful, so thanks for that.

What im struggling to ascertain is if a listbox can contain an object
created from a class or a user defined type, in essence, what I want is one
thing appearing in the list and another for the value, ive only just started
working with word basic so its different from what Im used to in some other

In the meantime, i'll keep looking

OHM ( Terry Burns ) * Use the following to email me *

Dim ch() As Char = "ufssz/cvsotAhsfbuTpmvujpotXjui/OFU".ToCharArray()
For i As Int32 = 0 To ch.Length - 1
ch(i) = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt16(ch(i)) - 1)
Process.Start("mailto:" & New String(ch))
Doug Robbins - Word MVP said:
See the article “How to create a Userform” at:


“Insert into a document the names of all files in a selected folder” at:

for how to populate a listbox with the name of the Files (Templates)

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You probably then need to set up some other source for the data to be loaded
into the listbox. This could be a table in another Word document that
contained the name that you want to appear in the list box in one column and
the associated filename of the template in the next column.

Here's a bit of information that should help you with that:

This routine loads a listbox with client details stored in a table in a
document (which makes it easy to maintain with additions, deletions etc.),
that document being saved as Clients.Doc for the following code.

On the UserForm, have a list box (ListBox1) and a Command Button
(CommandButton1) and use the following code in the UserForm_Initialize() and
the CommandButton1_Click() routines

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim sourcedoc As Document, i As Integer, j As Integer, myitem As Range,
m As Long, n As Long
' Modify the path in the following line so that it matches where you
saved Clients.doc
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Open the file containing the client details
Set sourcedoc = Documents.Open(FileName:="e:\worddocs\Clients.doc")
' Get the number or clients = number of rows in the table of client
details less one
i = sourcedoc.Tables(1).Rows.Count - 1
' Get the number of columns in the table of client details
j = sourcedoc.Tables(1).Columns.Count
' Set the number of columns in the Listbox to match
' the number of columns in the table of client details
ListBox1.ColumnCount = j
' Define an array to be loaded with the client data
Dim MyArray() As Variant
'Load client data into MyArray
ReDim MyArray(i, j)
For n = 0 To j - 1
For m = 0 To i - 1
Set myitem = sourcedoc.Tables(1).Cell(m + 2, n + 1).Range
myitem.End = myitem.End - 1
MyArray(m, n) = myitem.Text
Next m
Next n
' Load data into ListBox1
ListBox1.List() = MyArray
' Close the file containing the client details
sourcedoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Integer, Addressee As String
Addressee = ""
For i = 1 To ListBox1.ColumnCount
ListBox1.BoundColumn = i
Addressee = Addressee & ListBox1.Value & vbCr
Next i
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Addressee").Range.InsertAfter Addressee
End Sub

The Initialize statement will populate the listbox with the data from the
table and then when a client is selected in from the list and the command
button is clicked, the information for that client will be inserted into a
bookmark in the document. You may want to vary the manner in which it is
inserted to suit our exact requirements, but hopefully this will get you

To make it easy for you, the code has been written so that it will deal with
any number of clients and any number of details about each client. It
assumes that the first row of the table containing the client details is a
header row.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP
OHM ( Terry Burns ) said:
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, this does not address the crux of my
question which is mainly related to the list box. However, the snipit
regarding filenames is useful, so thanks for that.

What im struggling to ascertain is if a listbox can contain an object
created from a class or a user defined type, in essence, what I want is
one thing appearing in the list and another for the value, ive only just
started working with word basic so its different from what Im used to in
some other languages.

In the meantime, i'll keep looking

OHM ( Terry Burns ) * Use the following to email me *

Dim ch() As Char = "ufssz/cvsotAhsfbuTpmvujpotXjui/OFU".ToCharArray()
For i As Int32 = 0 To ch.Length - 1
ch(i) = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt16(ch(i)) - 1)
Process.Start("mailto:" & New String(ch))

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