HELP!!!!!!!!!! VBA charts



I need help with a program in Excell 2000.
I have inserted a Chart Space in an userform in VBA (Microsoft Office
Chart 9.0) Then, I started to write the code for the chart, like this:

Private Sub ChartSpace1_DataSetChange()
End Sub
Sub CreateChart()
Dim Chart1 As WCChart
Dim Series1 As WCSeries
Dim r As Integer
Dim XValues(1 To 23)
Dim DataValues(1 To 23)
' Add a graph to ChartSpace1
Set Chart1 = ChartSpace1.Charts.Add
' Give it a title
With Chart1
HasTitle = True
If OptionButton1 Then
Title.Caption = Cells(1, 3)
ElseIf OptionButton2 Then
Title.Caption = Cells(1, 4)
ElseIf OptionButton3 Then
Title.Caption = Cells(1, 5)
Title.Caption = "FET,P and T"
End If
End With
' Obtain the categories and the values of the graph
For r = 2 To 24
XValues(r - 1) = Cells(r, 2)
If OptionButton1 Then
DataValues(r - 1) = Cells(r, 3)
ElseIf OptionButton2 Then
DataValues(r - 1) = Cells(r, 4)
ElseIf OptionButton3 Then
DataValues(r - 1) = Cells(r, 5)
'DataValues(r-1)=Cells(r,3 to 5)
End If

Next r
' Create a serie of graphs
Set Series1 = Chart1.SeriesCollection.Add
' Specify the type of graph and the data
With Series1
Type = chchartTypeXYScatter

SetData chDimValues, chDataLiteral, "B2: B24"

SetData chDimValues, chDataLiteral, DataValues

End With
End Sub

The problem is that when I run the program, it says:

Compile error: Can't find project or library


Thanks in advance

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