Help with a formula



In one section of my form there are 2 columns: A and B. Cell range B1:B7
contains a series of different numerical values associated with the
corresponding cells in cell range A1:A7. Form users will choose the value
they want from column B by typing an "x" in the corresponding cell in column
A. For example: from the 7 numerical values in column B, the form user may
select the value in cell B4 by typing an "x" in cell A4. The value from B4
needs to display in cell C1. So, I need your help to write a formula that
tells cell C1 to look at cell range A1:A7 and if any cell in that range
contains an "x", to display the contents of the corresponding cell (from cell
range B1:B7) in cell C1. Would someone please help me write a formula to
accomplish this? Please and Thank you for your assistance! Leslie

Mike H


Try this in C1


If you have more than 1 x in column A it will rturn the first.


Mike H

The formula would be helpful <g>



Mike - Thank you for responding. I have entered the formula you recommend.
Using your formula, I am able to get "Nothing Selected" to display, but I'm
not able to get a numerical value from B1:B7 to display in cell C1


Mike - Thank you for responding. I have entered the formula you recommend.
Using your formula, I am able to get "Nothing Selected" to display, but I'm
not able to get a numerical value from B1:B7 to display in cell C1

Mike H

Most odd, it works perfectly for me are you sure you pasted the formula
exacly as written?

You should get 'Nothing selected' if you don't have an x in A1 to A7
What appears in C1 when you put an x in one of the A cells?



I took your advise and repeated the steps. I carefully pasted in the formula
and "Nothing Selected" does display when there is no "x" in cells A1:A7, but
nothing appears in the C1 cell when I type an "x" in one of the A1:A7 cells.
C1 changes to completely blank. I wonder if this fact is worth mentioning:
the cells in column A and B are actually merged cells, for example A1 is
merged cells A1:D1, and B1 cell is merged cells E1:H1. Would this change the
composition of the formula? Thanks for your patience, Mike. Would it be
helpful for you to see a copy of my form firsthand?

Mike H


Yes that would be a significant ommision but now you have me more confused
example A1 is
merged cells A1:D1, and B1 cell is merged cells E1:H1.

If A1 is merged A1:D1 then C1 doesn't exist but there we are. Setting that
aside the formula can go in any cell and from what you have told me this
should work.


To check we are addressing the correct cells select one and look in the top
left corner of the spreadsheet to get the address and adjust accordingly.

As an aside there are no circumstances under which I would merge cells.
Apart from an attempt to make a sheet look pretty I know of no patctical
reason for doing so and if you do it then it will eventually bite you on the
leg. If you want pretty things then use Powerpoint.



Thank you for your help, Mike. The merged cells was the problem. I went
back and unmerged the cells, making each of my columns only one cell wide,
and the formula worked perfectly! Thank you again very much for your
assistance. I sincerely appreciate your assistance and your time!

Mike H

Your most welcome and thanks for the feedback

Leslie said:
Thank you for your help, Mike. The merged cells was the problem. I went
back and unmerged the cells, making each of my columns only one cell wide,
and the formula worked perfectly! Thank you again very much for your
assistance. I sincerely appreciate your assistance and your time!

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