Help with automating data style change



I have been told that this is something that can be done with a Pivot Table, however pivot tables and I seem to have certain conceptual difficulties.

I get a data dump that comes out in the following format.

Branch: Ottawa
Technician: Tech Name
MSO # Description Date Start End Duration
408280 Labour 11/25/2006 15:00 19:30 4.50
411505 Contract 11/27/2006 12:15 13:35 1.33
411505 Contract 11/27/2006 13:35 14:35 1.00
406740 Project 11/27/2006 9:11 9:11 0.00
MANUAL Vacation 11/28/2006 8:30 16:00 7.50
411990 Labour 11/29/2006 9:40 10:20 0.67
411365 Labour 11/29/2006 14:20 16:05 1.75
411442 Labour 11/29/2006 10:20 11:20 1.00
411571 Warranty 11/29/2006 7:35 9:40 2.08
411159 Contract 11/30/2006 9:45 11:35 1.83
412305 Labour 11/30/2006 9:00 9:45 0.75
MSO # Description Date Start End Duration

This is for multiple locations so the number of tech's varies, as does the number of tasks per day.

What I am looking for is a way to take the above data either by selecting the technician and their individual data, or by doing the whole sheet at once and reformat it to the following. Essentially I want all of the times and information for one day to be on one row. It is a two week period if it makes any difference.

Tech Name
11/25/2006 15:00 19:30 4.50 408280
11/27/2006 9:11 9:11 0.00 406740 12:15 13:35 1.33 411505
11/28/2006 8:30 16:00 7.50 MANUAL
11/29/2006 7:35 9:40 2.08 411571 9:40 10:20 0.67 411990
11/30/2006 9:00 9:45 0.75 412305 9:45 11:35 1.83 411159
12/1/2006 11:00 11:05 0.08 410225 11:05 12:30 1.42 412963

Thanks in advance for anything you can offer in the way of assistance.

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