Help with Code behind my report.

  • Thread starter graeme34 via
  • Start date

graeme34 via


Could anybody help me out with the code:
I have a despatch note report, with a subreport for the detail.
Within the detail are the bound controls, product code, description and
I have added an unbound control named outstanding, as an order will not
always be completely sent, there will be times when only part of the order
(line) is sent. So the unbound control is to equal quantity ordered if it is
a first delivery or be equal to quantity ordered - (sumofquantity sent)
(where this value is retrieved from a stored query.
I have tried the following code in the activate event of the subreport, but
it doesnt seem to be working at all:

Private Sub Report_Activate()

Dim rsSum As DAO.Recordset

Set rsSum = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qrySumQuantitySent", dbOpenDynaset)

rsSum.FindFirst "[SalesOrderNumber] = " _
& Forms!frmChooseOrderNumber!txtOrderNumberChoice

If rsSum.NoMatch = True Then
Reports!subrepDespatchLine1!txtOutstanding = _
Reports!subrepDespatchLine1!txtOutstanding = _
Reports!subrepDespatchLine1!QuantityOrdered - _
rsSum![SumOfQuantity Sent]
End If
End Sub

Also I assume there need to be a loop in there somewhere for each detail line.

One last question, the stored query originally had the criteria
WHERE(tbldespatch.salesordernumber = Forms!frmChooseOrderNumber!
although when I tried to use the OpenRecordset command on the query I didnt
like it for some reason but work fine with the WHERE criteria. hence having
to use the FINDFIRST method on the recordset, which I assume lessens the
I may be wrong, still a newbie to Access.
Thanks in advance.

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