Help with COORDS on a Html O/p Page



Hi I dont know if anyone knows Javascript around here but I have written some
to make visio HTML hyperlink shapes flash indicating the fact they require
data collection.

I plan on using the visio image (site diagram) to display on a secure
connection, flashing at the user a point for collection. The user will
collect the data and enter into a database using the html interface. The
historic data will be shown on the data entry page as this will be used for
plant troubleshooting by the user. Other HTML pages will have summarys of
data which the user will use as trends. They are requested by the user.

I have the working code, the visio images, the html data collection pages
and the database.

Can someone explain how the coords work so I can adapt them for an image
map. I am using the imageclip javascript code to do this.

The code looks like this it is easy to follow for a .NET user

<TITLE>Document Title</TITLE>
<script type="text/javascript">

function clipImage(id,clipTop,clipRight,clipBottom,clipLeft){
document.getElementById(id).style.clip = "rect(" + clipTop + "px " +
clipRight + "px " + clipBottom + "px "+clipLeft+"px)"

function test(){




<BODY onload="test()">
<div style="position:relative;width:260px;height:175px">
<div style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px">
<img src="map_image1.jpg" usemap="#rollovermap3" width="260" height="175"
border="0" alt="">
<div id="imap3" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0;clip:rect(0px 0px
0px 0px)">
<img src="map_image2.jpg" usemap="#rollovermap3" width="260" height="175"
border="0" alt="">

<map name="rollovermap3">
<area shape="rect" coords="35,70,70,120" href="#null">


Thanks for your help.


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