help with formula in word table



Hello! thank you for taking the time to read this....

i'm working on a table in word that looks like this (i've separated the cells with a slash)
Employee SSN/last Name/FirstInitial/rate/Contribution/Rate/Total/Hours/Total Contribution

what i'd like to do is an "If then Else" formula in the "Contribution" column. the logic would be like this:
If the vaule in colum called "Rate" is equal to a "1" then the contribution is $38.00 ELSE contribution is $24.00

what is the correct syntax to do this?

thank you for your time. i was going to do this in excel but it is a heavily formated table. thanks.


Made an error in the table layout....
it should be:
Employee SSN/last Name/FirstInitial/rate/Contribution/Total/Hours/Total Contribution

sorry. i still need help with the forumla.


Assuming your calculation is on row 2, then put a field
{=if(d2=1,38,24) \# $0.00}
in your contribution column. Change the '2' in d2 to suit
your actual row number.

Note: the braces are input as a pair using Ctrl-F9.


Greg Maxey


Thanks for posting this. This is certainly an abbreviation and improvment
of the methed I use and suggeted. How did you discover the use of IF as a
function in an = (formula) field and the syntax? I just scoured the help
file and found nothing.

I am going to be out on travel for a week or so and might be able to get in
here and see your reply, but I look forward to learning more about what you
know regarding this area.


Hi Greg,

Yes, IF isn't exactly well documented in Word, but it is
there in help - under IF and If-Field. Actually, IF seems
to be used quite a lot for mailmerges (which is about all
what Word's help on it deals with), though I've used them
extensively for other purposes. See, for example:
(all one line)

First time I did this, it never occurred to me to use
anything other than an Excel syntax. It was only later
that I found that Word doesn't like the Excel syntax when
evaluating or returning text strings and/or nul values.

PS: Remove NO.SPAM from the above before replying.

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