help with formula



i am trying to create a formule that will calculate certain rates depending
on zones cubic metres and branch. this is what i need to do:

if cell e8=3 and e4 is equal to or less than 30 = shhet2 g37
how would i write this as an excell formula.
also can a Value be a word say
if b9 equals sydney and e4 is equal to or less than 24 =424=150


how would i put multiple formulas of the same vane in the one cell ie
=IF(AND(E8=2,E4<=30),Sheet2!G37,0), =IF(AND(E8=4,E4<=30),Sheet2!G37,0)


You could try this:


Not quite sure about your last example, but you could try this:


In both case you will get a blank cell if either condition is not met.

Hope this helps.


David Biddulph

Mike seems to have done the same test twice (and given the same result).

I assume that the second test in the sequence of nested IF functions was
intended to cover the second example.
Perhaps =IF(AND(E8=3,E4<=30),Sheet2!G37,IF(AND(B9="Sydney",E4<=24),424,""))

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