Help with Macro to Convert Numeric To Words



Hello All,

I am using Office 2003 and have the following problem

I got the following macro from the net which converts the digit to
words in MS Word

The macro works perfect but I wish to change it according to IRs
(Indian Rupees) for Dollars and Paise for Cents.

I tried to change it but did not succeed with my limited knowledge of
VBA :(

Can anybody help me with the changes in the following macro so that it
shows IRs instead of $ and Paise instead of Cents.
One more thing .. the macro convert the Numeric to Word and place the
Numeric in brackets at the end.

I wish to have it in the following format:
IRs 12,345.78 - IRs. Twelwe Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five and 78

and not as
IRs. Twelwe Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five and 78 paise (IRs
Any help would be greatly appreciated


Rashid Khan
Sub NumConv()
' NumConv Macro
Dim vOrigNum As String, vOrigNumPercent As String, vDollar As
Dim vPercent As Integer, vDecimal As Integer, vStrLeft As String
Dim vStrLeftLen As Integer, vStrRight As String, vStrRightLen As
Dim vStrChar As String, vStrHoldStr As String, vStrHoldStrLen As
Dim vStrLeftMil As String, vStrLeftBil As String
Dim vStrLeftThou As String, vSrrLeftHun As String
Dim vClearSpace As String

If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then 'Selects numbers to left of
Selection.MoveStartWhile Cset:="0123456789$%.,-",
End If

vOrigNum = Selection.Text 'Assigns selection to variable
vOrigNumLen = Len(vOrigNum) 'Sets length of selected number to
vDollar = InStr(1, vOrigNum, "$") 'Checks to see if number is
dollar figure
vPercent = InStr(1, vOrigNum, "%") 'Checks to see if number is a
vMinus = InStr(1, vOrigNum, "-") 'Checks to see if number is

If vMinus <> 0 Then
If vDollar <> 0 Then 'If a dollar amount, then Caps; otherwise,
Selection.TypeText Text:="Minus " 'Types Minus if no. is
Selection.TypeText Text:="minus " 'Types minus if no. is
End If
End If

For i = 1 To vOrigNumLen 'Strips all but numbers from variable
vStrChar = Mid$(vOrigNum, i, 1)
Select Case vStrChar
Case ",", "$", "%", "-"
Case Else
vStrHoldStr = vStrHoldStr & vStrChar
End Select 'Stripped number assigned to new variable
Next i

vStrHoldStrLen = Len(vStrHoldStr) 'Checks length of stripped number
vDecimal = InStr(1, vStrHoldStr, ".") 'Checks to see if number
includes decimal

'If number includes decimal, assigns zeros if needed to the left or
If vDecimal <> 0 Then
vStrLeft = Mid(vStrHoldStr, 1, vDecimal - 1)
If vStrLeft = "" Then
vStrLeft = "0" 'Adds left zero for ".87" type number
End If
If vStrHoldStrLen - vDecimal = "0" Then
vStrRight = "0" 'Adds right zero for "87." type number
If vDollar <> 0 Then vStrRight = "00" 'Adds two zeros for
"$87." type number
vStrRight = Mid(vStrHoldStr, vDecimal + 1, vStrHoldStrLen -
End If 'Assigns actual numbers to vStrRight if they exist
End If

If vDecimal = 0 Then 'If there is no decimal, assigns number to
vStrLeft = vStrHoldStr
vStrRight = "0" 'and adds 0 or 00, as appropriate, to vStrRight
If vDollar <> 0 Then vStrRight = "00"
End If

vStrLeftLen = Len(vStrLeft) 'Assigns length of vStrLeft to

If vStrLeftLen > 12 Then GoTo GreaterThanBillion 'If > billion,

'If billions, strip billions string and insert into doc using Field
If vStrLeftLen > 9 Then
'Start at position 1, move right Length - 9 positions
vStrLeftBil = Mid(vStrLeft, 1, vStrLeftLen - 9)
'Assign leftover string to vStrLeft, start at Length-8, move 9
vStrLeft = Mid(vStrLeft, vStrLeftLen - 8, 9)
vStrLeftLen = Len(vStrLeft)
If vDollar <> 0 Then 'If a dollar amount, then Caps; otherwise,
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="= " + vStrLeftBil + " \* CardText \* Caps", _
Selection.TypeText Text:=" Billion "
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="= " + vStrLeftBil + " \* CardText", _
Selection.TypeText Text:=" billion "
End If
GoTo CheckMillions 'If no billions, check millions
End If

'If millions, strip millions string and insert into doc using Field
If vStrLeftLen > 6 Then
'Start at position 1, move right Length - 6 positions
vStrLeftMil = Mid(vStrLeft, 1, vStrLeftLen - 6)
'Assign leftover string to vStrLeft, start Length-5, move 6
vStrLeft = Mid(vStrLeft, vStrLeftLen - 5, 6)
vStrLeftLen = Len(vStrLeft)
'If there is no millions, go to thousands
If vStrLeftMil = "000" Then
GoTo DoThousands
End If
'If a dollar amount, then Caps; otherwise, lowercase
If vDollar <> 0 Then
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="= " + vStrLeftMil + " \* CardText \* Caps ", _
Selection.TypeText Text:=" Million "
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="= " + vStrLeftMil + " \* CardText ", _
Selection.TypeText Text:=" million "
End If
GoTo DoThousands 'If no millions, do hundred thousands
End If

'If decimal, but not dollar, insert thousands, but skip if 0
If vDecimal <> 0 And vDollar = 0 And vStrLeft <> "000000" Then
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="= " + vStrLeft + " \* CardText", _
PreserveFormatting:=True 'Removed \* Caps to use lowercase
End If
'If decimal, but not dollar, insert left/right Fields using "point"
If vDecimal <> 0 And vDollar = 0 Then
vClearSpace = ClearExtraSpace() 'Deletes extra space in
Selection.TypeText " point "
vStrRightLen = Len(vStrRight)
For i = 1 To vStrRightLen 'Individually insert each right side
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="= " + Mid(vStrRight, i, 1) + " \* CardText", _
PreserveFormatting:=True 'Removed \* Caps to use lowercase
Selection.TypeText Text:=" "
Next i
End If

'If not decimal, and not dollar, just insert Field for number words
If vDecimal = 0 And vDollar = 0 And vStrLeft <> "000000" Then
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="= " + vStrLeft + " \* CardText", _
PreserveFormatting:=True 'Removed *\ Caps to use lowercase
End If

'If percent, but not dollar, insert word "Percent"
If vPercent <> 0 And vDollar = 0 Then
vClearSpace = ClearExtraSpace() 'Deletes extra space in
Selection.TypeText Text:=" percent"
End If

'If dollar, insert Fields for left/right numbers w/decimal point and
If vDollar <> 0 Then
vStrRightLen = Len(vStrRight) 'Ensures decimal has only two
If vStrRightLen > 2 Then
vStrRight = Mid(vStrRight, 1, 2) 'Strips excess digits
End If
'If left of decimal = 0, and right is no 00, insert "No
If vStrLeft = "0" Then
Selection.TypeText Text:="No Dollars"
If vStrLeft = "1" Then 'If left of decimal = 1, insert
"One Dollar"
Selection.TypeText Text:="One Dollar"
Else 'Else insert the "dollars" using "CardText"
If vStrLeft <> "000000" Then
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="= " + vStrLeft + " \* CardText \* Caps",
Selection.TypeText Text:=" "
End If
Selection.TypeText Text:="Dollars" 'Insert words after
End If
End If
If vStrRight <> "00" Then 'If right of the decimal is not 00,
insert cents
Selection.TypeText Text:=" and " 'Insert "and" before
decimal numbers
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _
Text:="= " + vStrRight + " \* CardText \* Caps", _
If vStrRight = "01" Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=" Cent" 'Insert "Cent" for
"One Cent"
Selection.TypeText Text:=" Cents" 'Insert "Cents" for
other "cents"
End If
Selection.TypeText Text:=" and No Cents" 'Insert "No
Cents" if 0 cents
End If
End If

vClearSpace = ClearExtraSpace() 'Deletes extra space in "millions"
Selection.TypeText Text:=" (" 'Type parenthesis and actual number
into doc
If vMinus <> 0 Then Selection.TypeText Text:="-" 'Add minus symbol
If vDollar <> 0 Then Selection.TypeText Text:="$" 'Add dollar
'Type billions and millions followed by comma
If vStrLeftBil <> "" Then Selection.TypeText Text:=vStrLeftBil +
If vStrLeftMil <> "" Then Selection.TypeText Text:=vStrLeftMil +
If vStrLeftLen > 3 Then 'Insert hundred thousands with comma
vStrLeftThou = Mid(vStrLeft, 1, vStrLeftLen - 3)
vStrLeft = Mid(vStrLeft, vStrLeftLen - 2, 3)
Selection.TypeText Text:=vStrLeftThou + ","
End If
Selection.TypeText Text:=vStrLeft 'Insert remaining hundreds
'Add decimal point if vDecimal or vDollar is true
If vDecimal <> 0 Or vDollar <> 0 Then Selection.TypeText Text:="."
Selection.TypeText Text:=vStrRight 'Insert right side string
'Remove trailing 0 if vDecimal is 0 (assigned in first routine
'to assign vStrLeft & vStrRight
If vDecimal = 0 And vStrRight = "0" Then Selection.TypeBackspace
If vPercent <> 0 Then Selection.TypeText Text:="%" 'Add percent
Selection.TypeText Text:=")" 'Insert closing parenthesis

GoTo SkipErrorMsg 'Jumps over GreatThanBillion error message

GreaterThanBillion: 'GreaterThanBillion error message
ret = MsgBox("Number is Greater than 999,999,999,999.99!" + vbCr +
"Macro will now terminate.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "NumConv
Macro Error!")

SkipErrorMsg: 'Ends macro

End Sub
Function ClearExtraSpace()
'Deletes extra space when "million " used in some cases
If Selection.Characters.First.Previous = " " Then
End If
End Function

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