Help with Simply Accounting



Can anyone tell me where I can get a question about Simply Accounting
answered for free? I don't need a whole course, and the company I work for
will not pay for support, so I am in a fix.
The question is: Is there a way to enter two different hourly rates for one
pay period for the same employee. They gave raises, but it takes effect in
the middle of a pay period. HELP !!


You know your question is WAY off-topic for this newsgroup, right?

I've used several accounting programs, but not Simply Accounting. More
sophisticated accounting programs allow for multiple pay rates. If there's
not an obvious way to do it in Simply Accounting, then I suggest you manually
compute the extra amount (e.g., $0.50/hour raise x 20 hours worked at the
higher rate = $10.00 extra on this check) and enter the extra amount as a
bonus. See for
an idea of how to do this.

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