Highest Value from Excel Formula



I have a formula that goes from B1:B1000-

=IF(Template!$C17="","","EXP_"&'Start Here'!$D$2+ROW(A2))

The formula returns a value if there is a value in another spreadsheet. If
not, it is null. My problem is trying to find the last calculated value that
is not null and populating the value from the formula on another spreadsheet
called "Results".


If you are using VBA try something like this

With Sheets("Template")

Set MyRange = .Range("C17:C1016")
Set c = MyRange.Find(what:="*", _
searchdirection:=xlPrevious, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
Results = "EXP_" & Sheets("Start Here").Range("D" & c.Row)
End If
End With

The find method using the wildcard * and the searchdirection xlPreviou
will do what you want.

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