Hightlighty text search Result


Frank Situmorang

I almost finished developping my church membership database. In addtion to
members, I also have here a chruch board minutes of meeting. by the help of
many good friends here in this forum I also have created the text search of
committee minutes of meeting.

The thing which I think is important, because too offen our committeee
meeting is so long because we can not find the basis of last meeting decision
as our basis to make a decision.

I know after reading all the threads, there is no easy way to make
bold/highlight for the text searched. I appreciate if anyone still can help
me the way to bold/hightlight the search.

Thanks in advance for any idea provided.

Nicholas Scarpinato

How are you locating the searched text? And how are you displaying the results?

Frank Situmorang


I put an unbound textbox on the form footer and this is my VBA to search
text in the memo field and I want it to highlight for the text searched.
Private Sub TxtCari2_AfterUpdate()
'Dim strFilter As String
'Dim strSQL As String
Dim strfilter As String
'strSQL = "Select MOM.No_KEP, MOM.Subject, " _
'& "MOM.Nota From KepMajelisQry Where " & "MOM.Nota LIKE """ & "*" &
Me.Txtcari & "*" & """"

strfilter = "([Nota] LIKE """ & "*" & Me.TxtCari2 & "*" & """)"
'CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
'strSQL = strfilter
'Me.FilterOn = True
Me.Filter = strfilter
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

Thanks for your help.

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