hlookup problem



I am trying to use an hlookup using the date as the lookup-value. In the case
that it finds a zero for that entry, I would like it to lookup the previous
entries until it finds a value. I have tried using TRUE in the logical range
lookup, but since all dates appear it still returns a zero. I have also tried
using an IF stantement as follows: =IF(HLOOKUP(date,formula)=0,
HLOOKUP(date-1,formula), HLOOKUP(date, formula)) but this will only work for
the very next day and wont continuously loop for 2 or more. Can anyone help
Note: In one case the cell value is actually 0 and in another case the cell
value is blank


True should work but you say you have some dates in the data you do not want
to pull the content. Can you copy this over and eliminate the items you do
not want?


Can't do that because there is other information in the array that is
important. Copying it over would be a solution in the short term (days), but
this is for an ongoing inventory that is constantly turning over. So I really
need it to lookup the last value using the entire array.

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