Hotmail Fix???



Didn't work for me either. I am hopfull the MSN will provide a fix,
but I am not holding my breath.

William Smith

edpowell said:
Didn't work for me either. I am hopfull the MSN will provide a fix,
but I am not holding my breath.

Hi Ed!

I've suggested this idea to a couple of folks but haven't seen any
response. Have a look at Postfix Enabler
<> and see if it
may meet your needs. It's less than US$10 but if you're uncomfortable
working in the command line or preference files then it may serve you
well. Or if you prefer to enable the services manually then have a look
at <>. A search for "Postfix" returns several

Good luck! bill

Diane Ross

I've asked but no one responded. Does Hotmail have the option to forward
your email?


I went to the download site. Aside from the small $9.95 fee for the
software, it had a couple of warnings about don't do this or that that
could interfere with other operations. So, I am hesitant to pay for
something (not very much I know) that I am not sure will work.
Secondly I am the supreme example of Murphy's Law. If it can go
wrong, it will so I tend to avoid messing around too much. Having one
app. to read and receive while needing a helper app. to send seems
inelegant and cumbersome. It is the intuitive and ease of use that
attracts me to Macs. I am a long time PC user and this issue
frustrates me with them. I am not into the "Tech" side of it and have
no desire to be into it. Like I like my cars, I want to turn the key
and it works. I think that the idea of forwarding to another account
might have some merit though I can't see any obvious ways to do that
when I go to the Hotmail site. If I were not paying for Qwest DSL and
MSN Premium as my ISP I would ditch the entire thing. I may still do
this. Either that or my father has Office 2004 he has only installed
on one computer (it allows 3 installations). I might borrow it and
buy 2008 once it is released. I do find this all a little too
coincidental for my taste. Maybe I am too much of a conspiracy
theorist but to put people in a situation where they are forced to buy
a software bundle that is soon to be obsolete sounds like a potential
double sale for Microsoft. Thanks for your help Bill and Diane.


M.D. Hydeman

I don't believe so, Diane. At least I haven't seen anything in Hotmail that
would indicate that such a thing were possible. :-\

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