hotspots not working HELP!!!!!!!!!!



Ok I've used the hotspots to hyperlink particualr images before and for some
reason its currently not working. The image appears fine the hotspot option
is available, I choose the hotspot square as I always so I outlint the image
I want linked. It does the routine then takes me to the pop up to select the
page i'd like to like. Once all is done I save refresh my browser and
nothing. I cannot click on the image I just hyper linked. When in design mode
in FP all seems normal and the hotspot is clearly outlined and pointing to
the page but doesnt work online???

Anyone ever experience this HELP!!!!!

Mark Fitzpatrick

Can you post the URL so we can take a look at the HTML and get a better idea
what's happening.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

They just have them so dang small you can't find 'em!

There are two on 310 one goes home the other is a link BACK to the same it won't really take you anywhere since you're already there.

| Heres the link thanks for the help
| the 310 wheel is hotspoted
| "Mark Fitzpatrick" wrote:
| > Can you post the URL so we can take a look at the HTML and get a better
| > what's happening.
| >
| >
| > --
| > Hope this helps,
| > Mark Fitzpatrick
| > Former Microsoft FrontPage MVP 199?-2006
| >
| > | > > Ok I've used the hotspots to hyperlink particualr images before and
| > > some
| > > reason its currently not working. The image appears fine the hotspot
| > > option
| > > is available, I choose the hotspot square as I always so I outlint the
| > > image
| > > I want linked. It does the routine then takes me to the pop up to
| > > the
| > > page i'd like to like. Once all is done I save refresh my browser and
| > > nothing. I cannot click on the image I just hyper linked. When in
| > > mode
| > > in FP all seems normal and the hotspot is clearly outlined and
pointing to
| > > the page but doesnt work online???
| > >
| > > Anyone ever experience this HELP!!!!!
| >
| >
| >


Thanks for your help. Ok I did catch what you where saying rgding the hotspot
being small and the links pointing to the same page and home page. This is
very very weird I just went back into FP and confirmed the hotspot size which
is the entire sorrounding of the wheel including the model number below the
wheel. And also I confirmed the hyperlink and its supposed to point to an
enlarged view page of the wheel

So now I have 2 problems, 1 being that my actual hotspot area is not being
recognized and the other being its hyperlinking to the wrong place????

Any Ideas on what the cause could be???

Thanks in advance for all your help!

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Not sure. I see the same thing I saw yesterday. The links that are there
(small & hard to find) seem to replicate your nav links above. There is not
a big hotspot on 310. I'll take another look later.

| Thanks for your help. Ok I did catch what you where saying rgding the
| being small and the links pointing to the same page and home page. This is
| very very weird I just went back into FP and confirmed the hotspot size
| is the entire sorrounding of the wheel including the model number below
| wheel. And also I confirmed the hyperlink and its supposed to point to an
| enlarged view page of the wheel
| (
| So now I have 2 problems, 1 being that my actual hotspot area is not being
| recognized and the other being its hyperlinking to the wrong place????
| Any Ideas on what the cause could be???
| Thanks in advance for all your help!
| "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > They just have them so dang small you can't find 'em!
| >
| > There are two on 310 one goes home the other is a link BACK to the same
| > it won't really take you anywhere since you're already there.
| >
| >
| > | > | Heres the link thanks for the help
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | the 310 wheel is hotspoted
| > |
| > | "Mark Fitzpatrick" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Can you post the URL so we can take a look at the HTML and get a
| > idea
| > | > what's happening.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > Hope this helps,
| > | > Mark Fitzpatrick
| > | > Former Microsoft FrontPage MVP 199?-2006
| > | >
| > | > | > | > > Ok I've used the hotspots to hyperlink particualr images before
| > for
| > | > > some
| > | > > reason its currently not working. The image appears fine the
| > | > > option
| > | > > is available, I choose the hotspot square as I always so I outlint
| > | > > image
| > | > > I want linked. It does the routine then takes me to the pop up to
| > select
| > | > > the
| > | > > page i'd like to like. Once all is done I save refresh my browser
| > | > > nothing. I cannot click on the image I just hyper linked. When in
| > design
| > | > > mode
| > | > > in FP all seems normal and the hotspot is clearly outlined and
| > pointing to
| > | > > the page but doesnt work online???
| > | > >
| > | > > Anyone ever experience this HELP!!!!!
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >

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