How BEST sync with Palm Z-22?



I'm using a WinXP-pro PC with OutlookXP(2003) with BCM, and have an old Palm
Zire that I sync with the Outlook data. Back in the early Zire days, Zires
came with Palm software but the software only sync'ed with Palm's own
calendar/contacts app, not Outlook.

So, to be able to sync with Outlook, I got and have since used Chapura
software's PocketMirror-Pro to sync my PalmZire to Outlook, and this works
great. Plus free tech support, so that's helpful when in a bind.

However, I'd like to get a NEW, small Palm Z-22, and understand it now comes
with software (conduits) to sync with Outlook (or Palm's own
calendar/contacts app).

Has anyone used Palm Z-22's software to sync with Outlook? Does it work
well? Has anyone tried both and Palm's out-of-the-box conduit software AND
Chapura, and can maybe say a few pro's and con's of one way vs. the other?


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