how can I have a formula result based on multiple criteria/columns



I have an expenses sheet set up as follows:

A/status B/date C/expense type D/amount

1 allowed 05/07/06 car £20.00
2 notallowed 05/07/06 car £450.00
3 notallowed 05/07/06 car £15.00
4 notallowed 05/07/06 car £26.00
5 allowed 05/07/06 post £20.00
6 allowed 05/07/06 post £20.00
8 total car allowed
9 total post allowed
11 total car notallowed
12 total post notallowed £--.--

what formula can I use to say total all instances of "car" & "allowed"...
or of "car" & "not allowed"

I have tried =SUMIF, but it will only recognise the first column in the
eg in D8 I wrote:

=SUMIF(A1:C6, "allowed""car", D1:D6)

but it will not recognise multiple criteria ie "allowed" & "car".

how can i total the values based on multiple criteria in different columns?

thanks in advance



=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A6="allowed"), --(C1:C6="car"), D1:D6)
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A6="notallowed"), --(C1:C6="car"), D1:D6)

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