how can I type a few letters and have it fill in the rest?



I got Office 2007 a couple months ago. Back when I had 2003, I could type a
few letters and it would complete the rest of the (city, state, zip, etc.)
For example, I would type Plea and Word would finish Pleasantville, PA 16...
I would, of course, have to have input the addresses and stuff beforehand,
but I would have them all available, then. Now I have to look up the address
and stuff every time.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

AutoComplete of AutoText items is gone from Word 2007. You now need to press
F3 to expand them. So, if the only "plea..." in your AutoText list is
"Pleasantville, PA...", then typing "plea" and pressing F3 will insert it.

As an alternative, you could use AutoCorrect entries instead. Those
automatically expand when a word separator (space, comma, period, etc.) is

If you upgraded in place, your AutoText entries are probably still there--in
the Buidling Blocks Gallery (in the AutoText category). Try typing plea and
pressing F3 and see if that works. If you depend upon seeing the visual
clue, however, you're out of luck, for now. (Don't know if this will be
restored in Word 2010... sure hope so.)

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