How can I use Office if I am not logged in as the administrator?



I am preparing my computer for when I go on vacation and I do not want a temp
logging in as an administrator on my computer. So I set up the "Guest" user
account but Microsoft Office 2003 doesn't seem to work. I keep on getting
the following message: "Error 25090 - Office setup encountered a problem with
the Office Source Engine, System error: -2147024891. Please open
MicrosoftOffice\Office11\1033\setup.chm and look for "Office Source Engine"
for information on how to resolve this issue." When I do this I get
information on how to enable the Office Source Enginge...but eventhough I
enabled it I still get the same message when I try to open Office in my
"Guest" user account.

Patrick Schmid

Try creating a new user account. The Guest account has so limited rights
that it's practically useless.

Patrick Schmid


I'm also getting this 25090 error from a user account. Powerpoint, etc..
does come up eventually, but not until I get this error message first.


I'm receiving the same 25090 error message from a user account. Office will
eventually come up, but after this error message box. Any suggestions?

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