How do I draw a "W" or an irregular polygon?



a) What's the difference between scribble and freeform lines in Word's
Autoshape/lines drawing tools?

b) How do I draw a a simple shape (like the letter W or an irregular
polygon) with the lines drawing tool? I can't get scribble or freeform to
make really straight lines. I can't get curve to do angles, if I draw the
parts separately, it's slow and they aren't connect and can't be filled with
a color.

Mary Sauer

If you use the scribble tool and leave it open, draw another segment to close the
space, select both parts, group. You can fill the object then. Hold the shift key
while drawing a straight line (use the line tool rather than the curve, scribble or
free form).
Ideally any drawing is better constructed in an application made for this purpose.
Might try Expression 3...

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