How do I get a 2 digit date?


Tony Williams

I have a control on a form which is a Date/Time control called "txtcd1retd",
its fomat is dd/mm/yy There is another control called "txtYear" with it
control source =Year([txtcd1retd]). If "txtcd1retd" is 01/02/08 I want
txtYear to be 08 but I get 2008. How can I just get 08?

Tony Williams

Thanks Allen, worked fine
Allen Browne said:
=Format([txtcd1retd], "yy")

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Tony Williams said:
I have a control on a form which is a Date/Time control called
"txtcd1retd", its fomat is dd/mm/yy There is another control called
"txtYear" with it control source =Year([txtcd1retd]). If "txtcd1retd" is
01/02/08 I want txtYear to be 08 but I get 2008. How can I just get 08?

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