how do I resize an Idef 0 activity box vertically?


michael hammond

Having trouble making the activity box of my IDEF0 diagram bigger. I can
resize it "sideways" or horizontally, but no vertically. I need to resize it
to add more input and output ICOM arrows. I've gone to the protection right
click already and allowed verical resize (it's defaulted to being protected).
But when I resize vertically, the border of the box with the connection
points gets bigger, but the actual box part with the activity name and number
does not resize.

Does anyone have a way to resize?


Mike Hammond

Gautam Desai

It's not clean, but you can click once at the top of the activity box and you
should get a bunch of grey selectors, hit F2 and the text become editable
(and unlinked from the process detail dialog, changes made there will not
reflect in the title of the activity box anymore). When the text becomes
editable add a bunch of carraige returns and the box automatically becomes
bigger vertically. Like I said, not clean, but it works in a pinch.

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