How do I set the size of a publication in pixels?



I need to make the size of my publication 1062 x 615 pixels and I was
wondering how I can set the size of the publication in pixels instead of
inches. Thanks.

Ed Bennett

Evadne Cake said:
Why do you need to make it such an odd size...? Generally speaking,
there are 72 pixels to an inch

That is only on screen. If you are looking to go to print, 300 image pixels
per inch are normally advisable.
Using this gives 3.54" x 2.05", or 9.0cm x 5.2cm (correct to the nearest
mm). Interesting that the one dimension is a nice round number at this
(that's roughly 28.8 to a centimetre).
So, armed with this information, you can set it up in inches, just
divide the pixels by 72.

1062/72 = 14.75"

615/72 = 8.54"

Slightly larger than 8.5 × 14", suggesting that it might be legal sized
paper with a small amount of bleed added (however, the resolution seems too
small for that, and the bleeds are different horizontally and vertically).

In answer to the original question, work out what resolution you are going
to export at. I recommend 300dpi for print. Then divide the pixels by this
number, and insert that number *in inches* into Publisher (Publisher
automatically converts inches to centimetres on metric systems if you add a
quote mark (") after it).

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