How do I set-up a likert scale in Access?



I am creating a survey in Access 2003. I need to use a Likert Scale (1 is
Strongly 5, Strongly Agree) for many questions. I need to
have a toggle option for this field, and it should be laid out horizontally.
I don't know how to define the field in the Table, and I don't know how to
design the field in the Form.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4

where the text are the headings and the numbers are the choices (single


This is ideally suited to an Option Group, using checkboxes in place of
toggle buttons. Access sets this up in a single column by default, but you
can rearrange them horizontally. Bind the option group to a numeric
"LikertID" field.

Each subform record will need a RespondantID, QuestionID, and the LikertID.

Hope that helps.


Thank you. I will give it a try!

Sprinks said:
This is ideally suited to an Option Group, using checkboxes in place of
toggle buttons. Access sets this up in a single column by default, but you
can rearrange them horizontally. Bind the option group to a numeric
"LikertID" field.

Each subform record will need a RespondantID, QuestionID, and the LikertID.

Hope that helps.

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