How do I turn off MS "helps" that keep popping up?



I'm sure some people must find all of the pop-up "helps" that MS has riddled
their applications with to be convvenient. I personally find them annoying
interferences that frequently cover up things I want or need to see. From
explanations for every button or icon you mouse over to the particularly
annoying "formatting" button that keeps popping up every time you cut and
paste something. If I had my druthers I would turn off everly last stinking
one of these annoying "pester points." Does anyone know how these can be

Herb Tyson [MVP]

What version of Word are you using?

Assuming you're using Word 2007, in Word Options, Display tab, remove the
check next to Show document tooltips on hover.

In the Popular tab, remove the check next to Show Mini Toolbar on selection.
Set ScreenTip style to "Don't show screentips".

In the Advanced tab, under Cut, copy and paste, remove the check next to
Show Past Options buttons.

This should get rid of a number of the things you don't care for. If you're
using Word 2003, poke around Tools - Options a bit, and you'll find
equivalents for most of these (not for the Mini Toolbar, though, since it
doesn't exist in Word 2003).

Bradley Newman

What version of Word are you using?

Assuming you're using Word 2007, in Word Options, Display tab, remove the
check next to Show document tooltips on hover.

In the Popular tab, remove the check next to Show Mini Toolbar on selection.
Set ScreenTip style to "Don't show screentips".

In the Advanced tab, under Cut, copy and paste, remove the check next to
Show Past Options buttons.

This should get rid of a number of the things you don't care for. If you're
using Word 2003, poke around Tools - Options a bit, and you'll find
equivalents for most of these (not for the Mini Toolbar, though, since it
doesn't exist in Word 2003).

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible

In Word 2003, go to Tools > Options > Edit > Cut and Past Options >
Uncheck "Show Paste Options buttons"

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