How get a list of OLEFormat.Object properties



I've figured out how to add text boxes, labels, combo boxes etc.

I've spent the last two hours trying to find here and in google, where to
get a list of properties for these objects and the proper drill down to
access them.

I manually added a label, then right clicked and accessed properties. I can
see see the properties, however they don't seem to be logically accessible.

I can access the "Caption" property but not the "font" property. See below.

Set shp =
Top:=dbltop, Width:=dblWidth, Height:=dblheight, ClassName:="Forms.Label.1",

With shp.OLEFormat.Object
.Caption = strtext
.Font = "Arial"
End With

NOTE: the caption property which is on the same level as Font property
works. It's accessible in the code above. What on earth is going on here and
I guess the real question is where do I find the heirarchy of the properties
so I can access them and change them as needed?


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