How MAPI connects to Exchange Server



I would like to know how MAPI connects to Exchange Server during a normal
MAPI conncetion. Normal MAPI connection means, Outlook connecting to Exchange
server without RPC Over HTTPS. I would like to know when MAPI connects first
time to tthe mailserver, it connnects via port 135 and then it connects via
random ports. How can we restrict to a specific port in normal connection.

The same questions als for RPC over HTTPS, how MAPi establishes a connection
to the FE/CAS Servers. Incase of RPC over HTTPS do we need to 135 port to be
opened while configuring a new outlook profile. Basically i am trying to
configure a new outlook profile from home connecting to my office exchange
server via Internet. SOmetimes i am able to confgure a new outlook profile
for myself and sometimes it doesnot work me at all when i try to configure a
different outlook profile. Once profile is connected i donot have a any more

I need to understand what all ports are required to be open across a
firewall when we are configuring new outlook profiles for exchange 2003/2007
mailboxes from outlook 2003/2007 mail clients for a normal and RPC Over HTTPS
kind of connectivity.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

repost to for assistance - this is not an
Office question.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Alok asked:

| Hello,
| I would like to know how MAPI connects to Exchange Server during a
| normal MAPI conncetion. Normal MAPI connection means, Outlook
| connecting to Exchange server without RPC Over HTTPS. I would like to
| know when MAPI connects first time to tthe mailserver, it connnects
| via port 135 and then it connects via random ports. How can we
| restrict to a specific port in normal connection.
| The same questions als for RPC over HTTPS, how MAPi establishes a
| connection to the FE/CAS Servers. Incase of RPC over HTTPS do we need
| to 135 port to be opened while configuring a new outlook profile.
| Basically i am trying to configure a new outlook profile from home
| connecting to my office exchange server via Internet. SOmetimes i am
| able to confgure a new outlook profile for myself and sometimes it
| doesnot work me at all when i try to configure a different outlook
| profile. Once profile is connected i donot have a any more problem.
| I need to understand what all ports are required to be open across a
| firewall when we are configuring new outlook profiles for exchange
| 2003/2007 mailboxes from outlook 2003/2007 mail clients for a normal
| and RPC Over HTTPS kind of connectivity.
| Regards
| Alok

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