how to add a property page to the tools->options dialog (Outlook 2k, XP) using VB6


Christoph Guentner


I want to add a property page to the tools->options dialog in outlook xp
using VB6.
I have done an COMAddIn. That works fine.
I have added a property page in my VB6 project.
And I have read that I can add my prop page in the function OptionsPagesAdd,
but how???

Here part of the example code from the help:

Private Sub OutlApp_OptionsPagesAdd(ByVal Pages As Outlook.PropertyPages)
Dim myPage As Object
Set myPage = CreateObject("PPE.CustomPage")
Pages.Add myPage
End Sub

But what do I write instead of
Set myPage = CreateObject("PPE.CustomPage")
to get my prop page added?

I have added my prop page in my vb project with the name myproppage, but
Set myPage = myproppage 'does not work
Thanks for any hint.


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