How to change background colour on an Entity Title (Visio 2003)



Does anyone know how to change the background colour of the entity title
shape in Visio 2003?

I can change all other aspects of an Entity shape but am unable to change
the default grey background of the entity title segment to any other colour.

Your help would be appreciated.



This shape is a group of component shapes, so click first to select the group.
And next, click the gray background part to select the rectangular area.
And press the button to fill color.


Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately that does not seem to work. When I click on the Entity the
first time it is selected, when I click on the title section the whole entity
just stays selected so I cannot change the background color for the title

I tried to ungroup but cannot. With other types of diagram I can do exactly
what you describe.

I just think I may have to live with the grey title background :(


Found an answer to this problem by writing a bit of VBA code to change the
Entity object properties. The title section of each Entity will have a blue
background and the entity text will be in bold white:

Public Sub DoIt()
Dim page As
Dim shpsObj As Visio.shape
Dim i As Integer

Set page = ThisDocument.Pages(1)
For i = 1 To page.Shapes.Count
Set shpsObj = page.Shapes(i)

If InStr(shpsObj.Name, "Entity") = 1 Then
shpsObj.Cells("SelectMode").FormulaForce =
Set shpsObj = shpsObj.Shapes(1)
shpsObj.Cells("FillForegnd").FormulaForce = "RGB(77, 124, 202)"
shpsObj.Characters.CharProps(visCharacterStyle) = visBold
shpsObj.Characters.CharProps(visCharacterColor) = 1
End If
Next i
End Sub

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