How to Create a Blank Flow Diagram or Prune Out Stencils from Basi



Hi --

My simple goal seems easier said than done.

I want to create a very simplified, custom version of the Basic Flowchart
(US Units)
for engineers to use as a template. I want only those shapes/line
weights/colors/arrowheads to exist that I want people to use, as opposed to
the MANY that exist in the diagrams for selection.

I figured my options are:
a) Open a blank new page and then File > Add Stencil to individually create
of the 3 or 4 shapes and line weights, and arrowheads I want


b) Open a Basic Flowchart (US Units) and then prune out the shapes/stencils
I don't want people to use, plus redefine any characteristics (such as blue
to black).

I have been unable to either (a) find a blank page for adding to or (b)
delete any shapes/stencils from the Basic Flowchart (US Units).

Please answer how to do either of these above -- or, alternatively, the
needed way to accomplish my goal: A very pruned down version of the very
elaborate Basic Flowchart (US Metrics).

Thanks for your help!


alysenet --

Start by opening up the Basic Stencil so that you will have the shapes that
you want available to transfer to a new custom stencil. The "blank page" is
that you're looking for really a new stencil and can be found by left
clicking the shapes icon on the standard toolbar. (It's the one that is
normally next to the scissors.) Scroll down and select new stencil. This
will add a new blank stencil to the left stencil area. For convenience drag
it over to the drawing area. Now you can drag whatever shapes you want from
existing stencils to your new one. When done, I would close all but your new
stencil. Then save it with an appropriate name. You should now be able to
access it by left clicking the shapes icon and then look in "My Shapes".



Hi, WapperDude --

Thanks for your fast reply, but I'm a bit lost. Tried following it. Did this:
1. In Visio 2003, clicked Basic Flowchart (US Units) to display it.
2. Left-clicked newly discovered (thanks!) Shapes icon and selected New
Stencil (US Units) in the dropdown list.
A listing for Stencil2 then appears in the left pane.
3. Dragged the Stencil2 to the main pane.
4. Dragged the 4 wanted shapes to the Stencil2 area.
5. Clicked Stencil2 to make sure it's active.
6. File > Save As to then name Stencil2 as CustomAlysenetStencil (right?
stencil, not as template), with Save as type as "Stencil (*.vss).
7. Closed Visio so now could test what my users will be seeing/doing once I
give them this end result file.
8. Here's where I get lost -- When the new user of this
template/stencil/whatever comes along, they then open what? I want them to
simply be able to open Visio and then File > Open a file named
"CustomAlysenetTemplate." They need to instead do something else? Open a
blank template and then somehow navigate to my stencil? That's too
complicated/too many steps to me. Are Visio users used to doing all that?
Please specify the remaining steps.
9. ??? Open Visio.
10. File > New > Choose Drawing Type ? just to get to "Blank Drawing"?
11. Click Blank Drawing. ?
12. Left-click Shapes tool in tool bar. ?
13. In resulting dropdown list, select My Shapes?
14. I don't see CustomAlysenetStencil in that resulting Favorites list at
the left, plus
these are too many steps to simpy open a file to use for dragging

Am I adding wrong steps? Please play out from step 9 onward for how to
access the pruned-down stencil/template/whatever you're accessing. I don't
quite understand the stencil vs template concept, so hard to ask correctly.


Hi alysenet --
Let me say this right at the top, so no one has to read all the way thru the
rest of the answer. I believe it is possible to automate the procedure when
you open Visio, and have fewer steps involved. Unfortunately, I've never
done that and someone else will have to help you.

OK. Your steps were fine. When you saved your new stencil, it should
typically, be in My Documents>My Shapes. I think that's the default for
Visio. That woud be your step 6. Let's say you called it Alyse.vss.

Steps 9, 10, 11, 12 are correct. When you expand My Shapes in step 12,
Alyse should show up. If not, it's probably not located as shown in step 6.
You can either find the file on the PC and move it manually, or leave it, but
make a note as to it's location. Then, in Visio, you need to go to Tools >
Options. Select the Advanced Tab. Click the button at bottom right labelled
File Paths.... You may enter the correct path to your file for stencils.
Click Ok, OK. Now Step 12 should show your file Alyse.

Yes. There are a few steps. New Visio users would probably need a list.
But, it's only about 5 steps, #9 - #13. Don't know if this could be
automated with a VBA macro or not. As I mentioned, someone else will need to
help you at this point for simplifying the process. Sorry.



Hi Again --

This may not be as automated as you wish, but, if you create a template,
then everyone will be able to open it in one step.

1.) Open a new, blank drawing.
2.) Load your stencil
3.) Copy a shape to the drawing to confirm that the page is set correctly.
4.) Delete the shape
5.) Save this, with Save As, choosing template. Make sure it saves in the
correct location.

That should be it.

New users would
1.) Launch Visio
2.) File > New and select your template. The name should be listed.
3.) Then they start drawing.
4.) When they want to quit, they just save as a normal Visio drawing. The
template will be unchanged.

Remember, this is a local, machine dependent arrangement. You will need to
copy your template to whatever machines have Visio.

Hope this helps.

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