Stuart Rosen
Firstly, I would like to thank the regular contributors for adding s
much value to this Forum. I have found it an invaluable resource.
I have a task in my schedule, that is showing 20 days of negative slack
The task has one predecessor (already 100% complete) and a number o
successors. No activities in the chain of sucessors have constraints
they are all "Start As Soon As Possible". Also, none of the successo
activites have any actual values recorded, as they have not yet started
There are no deadlines in the schedule either.
I have generally found tracking down the offending task that cause
negative slack very time consuming and at times confusing.
Does anyone have any other items to look for, or any hints as to how t
find the offending negative slack item ?
Thanks in advance
much value to this Forum. I have found it an invaluable resource.
I have a task in my schedule, that is showing 20 days of negative slack
The task has one predecessor (already 100% complete) and a number o
successors. No activities in the chain of sucessors have constraints
they are all "Start As Soon As Possible". Also, none of the successo
activites have any actual values recorded, as they have not yet started
There are no deadlines in the schedule either.
I have generally found tracking down the offending task that cause
negative slack very time consuming and at times confusing.
Does anyone have any other items to look for, or any hints as to how t
find the offending negative slack item ?
Thanks in advance