How to get Spell Suggestions from MS-Word in VB




I am developing my own spell checker in VB using Ms- Word as Reference.

I want to use custom-Dictionary(Multilangauge) which is available
with MS-word.

I tried to get Spell Suggestions by using function

ObjWord.GetSpellSuggestions (StrTEXT)

I got suggestions for English Language but for Other than Englsih (e.g.
Arabic).. I could not get suggestions for arabic Langauge....
How to Arabic Suggestions from Arabic Dictionary .

Same thing working with MS-Word ....But I need it in VB .

Thanking you


Here's the function that I use in my desktop app.
Send me an email if you want the whole thing, but this function is 90%
of the code

(e-mail address removed)

' Spell Checking using WORD Automation
' Include Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library
Public Function SpellCheck(ByRef strBuffer As String) As String
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim WordDoc As Word.Document
Dim strlen As Integer

On Error GoTo WordAutoError
Set objWord = New Word.Application
Set WordDoc = objWord.Documents.Add
objWord.Visible = False
objWord.WindowState = wdWindowStateMinimize

objWord.Selection.Text = strBuffer 'get text

objWord.Selection.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS 'Set language:
WordDoc.CheckSpelling ' Check spelling:

objWord.Selection.WholeStory ' select text
strBuffer = objWord.Selection.Text
' Text w/o last paragraph mark back to the VB Textbox:

' strip off CR/LF on end of string
strlen = Len(strBuffer)
While (strlen > 0 And ((Right(strBuffer, 1) = vbCr) Or
(Right(strBuffer, 1) = vbLf)))
strlen = strlen - 1
strBuffer = Left(strBuffer, strlen)
SpellCheck = strBuffer

' -- Close w/o saving:
objWord.ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set objWord = Nothing ' Free
Exit Function

SpellCheck = strBuffer
End Function

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