How to hide master on Document Stencil?



Using Visio ActiveX control in C# winforms application, there are shapes the
user can see and shapes hidden from view on a particular page. The page is
loaded in from a template when the application begins. Also, an app specific
stencil is also opened called Plan.vss.

Some shapes built from Plan already exist on the "blank" template page but
on a hidden, as yet unconnected, layer.

Now, as the user adds new visible shapes to the page, the app connects and
adorns user shapes with hidden connectors and shapes. The app takes masters
from Plan and drops them on the page to make the connections and create a
"flow". The side effect of this is that hidden shapes now appear on the
Document Stencil. At this stage and for these users, I'd rather not expose
those masters of hidden shapes on the Document Stencil.

1) Is there a way to hide those masters on the Document Stencil?

2) Or, as I'm mulling over here, should I simply put all possible hidden
shapes on the template page and simply copy them as needed into the connected
user flow. Possibly this would bypass the automatic drop on the Document
Stencil because the app wouldn't be dropping from Plan onto the user's page.
In other words, don't use Drop to add hidden shapes??


as far as renaming the masters that you want to use, you're pretty much only
limited by your imagination.


nice piece of work on the xps/xaml blog. apologies for not posting it on
your site.

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