How to hold running Macro?



Does anyone have any suggestions on how to hold Macro running until specific
file being updated?

When I run a Macro, in the middle of the process, I would like to hold Macro
running until the periods between the last updated time for specific file and
the current time is less than a hour.
For example, a Macro is running under the Eric.xls

Sub temp()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\A.xls", UpdateLinks:=3
Workbooks("A.xls").Close savechanges:=True

Before processing the next step, I would like to check the last updated time
for specific files - Mary.xls with the current time. If the difference
between the last updated time for Mary.xls and the current time is less than
1 hour, then process the next coding, else wait until the difference periods
is less than 1 hour.

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\B.xls", UpdateLinks:=3
Workbooks("B.xls").Close savechanges:=True

End Sub

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions


one way is to use the application.wait method. see vb help.
but i would incorporate the checking into the macro. after udating A.xls, i
would get it's update time and assign it to a variable. then open mary.xls
and assign it's update time to a variable. then subract the two variables. if
less than one hour, message box "less than one hour. process terminated". ok
= exit sub. you could even display the two variable in the message box so you
would know how long the wait would be.
my thoughts


Thank you for your reply
Could you please show it in VBA coding?
Thank you for any suggestions

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