How to import an xml directly in userform ?



This is my problem:
my application based on excel & vb, dowloads from a website some xml
Actually i use to import on my worksheets those xmls creating formatted
tables very easy to work with. Those infos are then transferred from
cells to userform labels, commandbutton etc etc.

What i would like to do is improving my code this way:

1° I don't want to import xml content in worksheet
2° i would like to "read" xml "externally" (without opening it)
3° extract the only info i need from each xml and associate then to
appropriate Command in the userform (u surely know, when an xml is
imported in excel, many tags are repeated in the generated table)

How could i solve my problem??

thanks in advance
Fulvio Salvo

Robert Bruce

Roedd said:
This is my problem:
my application based on excel & vb, dowloads from a website some xml
Actually i use to import on my worksheets those xmls creating
formatted tables very easy to work with. Those infos are then
transferred from cells to userform labels, commandbutton etc etc.

What i would like to do is improving my code this way:

1° I don't want to import xml content in worksheet
2° i would like to "read" xml "externally" (without opening it)
3° extract the only info i need from each xml and associate then to
appropriate Command in the userform (u surely know, when an xml is
imported in excel, many tags are repeated in the generated table)

How could i solve my problem??

You need to use the MSXML library to manipulate the XML DOM. There are
plentiful examples on the web from beginner such as to really complex stuff.


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