how to store values in a 2 dimensional array



i want to store Sheet name and its corresponding password in a 2
dimension array . hope anyone can provide a code snippet for storing
sheet name and its corresponding password and also code for popping
out values from an array . i am newbie to vba . providin code wil be
really helpful . i need something like

i need to store the values in this fashion

Array(0) ----- > should contain sheetname and its password value
Array(1) ----- > should contain sheetname and its password value

while popping out i shuld put the values in 2 variables .

sheet name in Variable 1 its corresponding password in
Password in Variable 2 ................

hope anyone can provide a code for this ........



You can use this as a method for fulling up the 2 demitional array
Sub FullArray()

Dim ShtNm_Pass(1 To 4, 1 To 4): 'allowed for 4 sheets
Dim x As Long

With ThisWorkbook

For x = 1 To 4
'Loading the sheet names
ShtNm_Pass(x, 1) = .Sheets(x).Name
'if passwords are stored on a sheet (used the name hidden in this case)
ShtNm_Pass(x, 2) = Sheets("Hidden").Cells(x, 1)
Next x

'full the second half of the array (password manually)
' ShtNm_Pass(1, 2) = "1"
' ShtNm_Pass(2, 2) = "2"
' ShtNm_Pass(3, 2) = "3"
' ShtNm_Pass(4, 2) = "4"

'cheeking the array has been fulled. You dont need this only here for testing
For x = LBound(ShtNm_Pass, 1) To UBound(ShtNm_Pass, 1)
Debug.Print ShtNm_Pass(x, 1)
Debug.Print ShtNm_Pass(x, 2)
Next x

End With

End Su

as the debug.print you can pull out the information form the array whe
ever you like. eg ShtNm_Pass(1, 1) would be the sheet name an
ShtNm_Pass(1, 2) would be the corrosponding password.

hope this help

Dave Peterson

Since you're only keeping track of two things for each item, you don't need to
use "1 to 4" for each dimension.

Dim ShtNm_Pass(1 To 4, 1 To 2)
would be sufficient.

D_Rennie said:

You can use this as a method for fulling up the 2 demitional array
Sub FullArray()

Dim ShtNm_Pass(1 To 4, 1 To 4): 'allowed for 4 sheets
Dim x As Long

With ThisWorkbook

For x = 1 To 4
'Loading the sheet names
ShtNm_Pass(x, 1) = .Sheets(x).Name
'if passwords are stored on a sheet (used the name hidden in this case)
ShtNm_Pass(x, 2) = Sheets("Hidden").Cells(x, 1)
Next x

'full the second half of the array (password manually)
' ShtNm_Pass(1, 2) = "1"
' ShtNm_Pass(2, 2) = "2"
' ShtNm_Pass(3, 2) = "3"
' ShtNm_Pass(4, 2) = "4"

'cheeking the array has been fulled. You dont need this only here for testing
For x = LBound(ShtNm_Pass, 1) To UBound(ShtNm_Pass, 1)
Debug.Print ShtNm_Pass(x, 1)
Debug.Print ShtNm_Pass(x, 2)
Next x

End With

End Sub

as the debug.print you can pull out the information form the array when
ever you like. eg ShtNm_Pass(1, 1) would be the sheet name and
ShtNm_Pass(1, 2) would be the corrosponding password.

hope this helps

D_Rennie's Profile: 1412
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