Andrew said:
Using the DB features is relatively easy.
1) Yes you can create the DB in Access or create a FP form and allow
FP to create the db for you based on the form field names (uunder
Form properties choose "Send to Database" then to to the
options/advanced and set up the connection.)
2) Go to Insert > Database > Results
3) Use the DBRW to guide you through creating a basic results page. GUI all the way, and it gives you a chance to create a custom
if that's your forte.
4) It creates the basic results page which you can then "jazz up"
with CSS, apply a DWT and the like. is a good tutorial for FP in general including
the database features.
Thanks for the ideas.
But I am lost
I added a test form to myweb named form1.
It is a cut down version of one used before
It has
fields "Name" "Email" and (because that is what they were on the old form) "Bus1" "Bus2" "Bus3" "Bus4" "Bus5"
checkboxes "yes" "no" "Joining"
tetxtarea "Comment"
It also has a "submit" button and a "reset" field.
The form as it is on the web is at the bottom
I managed (after great difficulty) to log on the web server and open the page. I want to capture the results of the form to a
database (and later retreive them)
Where do I go from here?
I tried
Form Propeties
Send to database
Name: Database1
|o| File or folder in current web (chceked)
Username: My username on the web (as when logging in via FP)
Password: My password on the web (as when logging in via FP)
The OK button remained greyed
I clicked Browse...
and got a box "Database files in current web" with the web address at the top and folders under it and a blank space for URL
I entered "Testweb" and get eventually a message:
"Unable to retrieve the list of data sources from a database using the connection string "Database1"
DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=URL=TestWeb
This looks as if it is trying to connect to a existing database, which of course doesn't exist.
A folder named "fpdb" was created but it is empty.
So I guess I didn't get past step 1) above
How to I create a new database?
I prefer to see the code rather then use a GUI. With GUIs I never know what questions they are asking, whereas with code, it can be
explained step by step.
BTW. I didn't see any tutorials on the link you gave. It seems to be a site selling programs.
<form name="form1" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--" method="POST">
<!--webbot bot="SaveDatabase" -->
<div style="background-color:#DBE0F5; padding:3px; font:75% arial;">
<div style="padding:10px; font:75% Arial; text-align:left;">
<input type="text" id="Name" value="Insert name" size="40"
onfocus="if (this.value=='Insert name'){this.value='';};return false;"
onblur="if (this.value==''){this.value='Insert name';return false;}"/><br/>
<input type="text" id="Email" value="Insert e-mail address" size="40"
onfocus="if (this.value=='Insert e-mail address'){this.value='';};return false;"
onblur="if (this.value==''){this.value='Insert e-mail address';return false;}"/><br/>
Do you want to join? <br/>
<input type="checkbox" id="yes" value="ON" />Yes <br/>
<input type="checkbox" id="no" value="ON" />No <br/>
<input type="hidden" id="Joining" size="3" />
Select options:<br>
Option 1:<input type="checkbox" id="Bus1" value="ON" />
Option 2:<input type="checkbox" id="Bus2" value="ON" />
Option 3:<input type="checkbox" id="Bus3" value="ON" />
Option 4:<input type="checkbox" id="Bus4" value="ON" />
Option 5:<input type="checkbox" id="Bus5" value="ON" />
Enter Comment:<br/>
<textarea id="Comment" rows="10" cols="100"
style="font:100% Arial;">Enter your comment in here</textarea><br />
<div align="center" style="background-color:#DBE0F5; padding:3px; font:12px arial;">
<input type="button" id="submit" value=" Send " />
<input type="reset" id="reset" value=" Clear "/>