Hyperlink message when using Powerpoint Viewer




I am a college student working on a presentation. Here is the problem:
- I am using PPT 2003 to create the file (all hyperlinks work as designed)
- When doing the SlideShow in PPT 2003, the hyperlink immediately opens the
- I do a file, package for CD and save it to the CD (I also include the
Viewer program)
- Creating a file the auto runs and is accessible on non-PowerPoint pc's
- I insert the CD and it automatically brings up the Viewer window. I
accept the terms.
- The presentation works, however, here is the problem:

- During the presentation, I click on a hyperlink and get the following
message: "some hyperlinks may contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to you
computer. It is important to be certain that this hyperlink is from a
trustworthy source. Do you want to open this hyperlink?"
- I click yes and the word file opens.

- How do I get this window from not appearing?

- I tried to lower the macro security settings to low, before Packaging for
CD, but it still did not work.
- Why does the PowerPoint Viewer do this?

Thank you for you help......

Bill Dilworth

Why is a difficult question because it involves attempting to read the minds
of the Microsoft legal department. I'm pretty sure this is forbidden in the
EULA somewhere, but I digress.

The hyperlink warning was put in place to warn a user (who may or may not be
you) that the presentation is going outside the presentation to get or run
something, and that it may be harmful. Well, duh. Any regular user should
know that any hyperlink could open Pandora's box of ugly stuff. But it
seems that someone in legal wanted to make sure that there could be no
mistake as to whose fault it would be if the aforementioned box was opened.

Please take a minute from you day and let MS know how disruptive you find
this feature in the viewer.

In the full version you have options, not so in the viewer:
**Warning message when clicking hyperlink in PowerPoint 2003: "files might
harm your computer"

Bill Dilworth
Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out www.pptfaq.com This link will yahoo.
answer most of your questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.

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