If formula that looks at multiple cells and values, and then calul



I'm trying to put together a production spreadsheet for mechanical
manufacturing that figures out a length of one piece of material based on
other dimensions. It's for storm shutter parts and the cut dimensions need
to be calculated from the field measures. There are many types of tracks
available and the blade length is dependant upon the finish height, track
type and structure. I need the formula to look at 5 different cells that may
or may not have data for the top track and only use the data from the one
that's filled out. Same for the bottom track for a total of 10 cells. For
example, if the top track is a ceiling track, deduct 1.5625, if the floor
track is adjustable, deduct 1.8125, if the floor track is wall decuct 1.625,
etc. Lets say a1 is "ceiling Mount" then b1 would be for the dimension, a2
would be "wall mount", b2 the dimension, etc..... the cell I'm writing the
formula for is for the "blade length"


say your track type is in a1 to a5,your input cells are b1 to b5 and your
deduction dimension is c1 to c5
=if(b1<>"",c1,if(b2<>""c2,if(b3<>""c3,if(b4<>"",c4,if(b5<>"",c5,"no track

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